
Friday Mar 24, 2023
Friday Mar 24, 2023
Friday Mar 24, 2023
- Why Andy keeps being late to record the podcast.- Andy helped deliver his first baby!- First hand explanation of how the 111 emergency phone queue works when overloaded.- How winning money doesn't always benefit you.- New Zealand is starting to shake again.- Orrin went to Rainbows End for the first time in 20 years & got the lads talking about theme park ride fails.- Why Andy needs to tell his neighbours when he plans to bath his toddler.- Things you don't want the neighbours to hear.- Do you play better golf when drunk?- We do love our wives dearly, but....- Dad Joke off, and more!
f: https://www.facebook.com/tradiopodcaste: tradiochat@gmail.com

Thursday Mar 09, 2023
Thursday Mar 09, 2023
Thursday Mar 09, 2023
- The places TRadio is going - some interesting stats including how TRadio took an INSANE listener spike on one single day!- You're invited to the fastest TRadio AGM ever.- Why did Andy give up one of his radio shows?- Why Orrin took 4 hours to do a 2 hour drive home and somehow ended up at a pub.- A tribute to two Volunteer Firefighters who recently lost their lives serving their community.- How Andy's pants broke a security door at work.- There's a mystery mouse in Andy's house and it eventually turned up in the most unusual place.- The most unexpected place to get a bee sting.- The Dad Joke off and Orrin finally knows one of Andy's jokes!- And food for thought for the next episode; "Things that take longer than they really are..."- And more....f: https://www.facebook.com/tradiopodcaste: tradiochat@gmail.com

Friday Feb 24, 2023
TRADIO EP38 - The Toast Ghost
Friday Feb 24, 2023
Friday Feb 24, 2023
- Andy spotted a fast moving flashing object in the sky - not a plane!- Found a good new ISS Tracker for those keen on its location- Orrin scored a live guitar gig, his first in a while!- Andy shares his YouTube Music Video idea- How can you play the Saxophone or Trumpet, without a Sax or Trumpet?- Andy had a dream about Orrin & it was actually very real!- Classic Roald Dahl books are being edited by the PC brigade- Neighbourhood cats are ruining a project of Andy's- A strange phenomenon at Andy's fire station - cue the X-Files!- The lads share heaps of ghost stories & personal experiences- The Dad Joke Off - Acknowledging the hard work done by community legends following the recent devastating cyclone- And more....f: https://www.facebook.com/tradiopodcaste: tradiochat@gmail.com

Friday Feb 10, 2023
TRADIO EP37 - Necessary Andyproofing
Friday Feb 10, 2023
Friday Feb 10, 2023
- How not to refuel your boat & how Orrin 'Andy-proofed' his boat- A wedding Andy went to was interrupted unexpectedly just as it started- Hangovers last longer the older you get- What are some potentially life-saving tips? Interesting post found online...- The Dad Joke Off- Flooding in the North, sweltering in the South - what's going on?- Orrin was too close to a lightning strike!- How jury duty is unappealing in many ways....- And more....
f: https://www.facebook.com/tradiopodcaste: tradiochat@gmail.com

Friday Jan 27, 2023
TRADIO EP36 - Unspoken Rules of NZ Life
Friday Jan 27, 2023
Friday Jan 27, 2023
- The lads share why they always get distracted at concerts & hardly notice the songs.- Andy was called last minute to sort the music for a wedding as the band fell through- Andy & fam went camping and debuted their new tent, but the wind said no...- Should Andy sell his drum kit to buy new TV or deal with his current broken TV?- How smoke alarms can go above and beyond in a house fire.- Andy discusses what word is banned within the Emergency Services circle.- The lads discuss how leaving physical jobs and going to 'desk' jobs has not helped the waistlines!- The Unspoken Rules of NZ Life- Dad Joke off- How the Coromandel Peninsula weather is screwing up everything!- And more....f: https://www.facebook.com/tradiopodcaste: tradiochat@gmail.com

Thursday Jan 12, 2023
TRADIO EP35 - Summer, Schmummer
Thursday Jan 12, 2023
Thursday Jan 12, 2023
- How the NZ Summer didn't quite render...- Andy confesses to forgetting an important element of the previous episode.- The lads discuss the best way to keep your body in rhythm when working shift work.- Andy forgets exactly what his role is at his new job.- How hangovers change as the years go on.- Update on Orrin's recovery from a broken back.- How Andy made $155 million dollars over Christmas.- Why the kids locked Andy's wife out of the house.- The Dad Joke-off- Why new years resolutions need to be realistic!- And more....
f: https://www.facebook.com/tradiopodcaste: tradiochat@gmail.com

Friday Dec 16, 2022
TRADIO EP34 - Christmas Wrap
Friday Dec 16, 2022
Friday Dec 16, 2022
- The lads get Christmassy & share how Andy won a real xmas tree.- Elf on The Shelf becomes a part of daily routine.- Andy opens a door on his Chocolate advent calendar and he discovers he's been shafted!- Why Christmas day is the best day of the year, full stop.- Why overdoing it at Christmas party is not a good idea!- Summers just seem to be getting wetter!- Orrin was enjoying some fire-water, wtf is that?- Andy's toddler has been in his studio, breaking stuff.- Why you should avoid travel in December.- Why do people ride bikes with their helmets on the handlebars?- The dad joke off!- And more....
f: https://www.facebook.com/tradiopodcaste: tradiochat@gmail.com

Friday Dec 02, 2022
TRADIO EP33 - Good Karma Is Real
Friday Dec 02, 2022
Friday Dec 02, 2022
- The lads both have new jobs - how are they going with it all?- How humans lose all domestication and go feral for black Friday deals.- How are the kids going with their own credit cards?- How automated bathroom lights can be a hindrance more than a power saving idea.- Andy got robbed by a vending machine.- Orrin witnessed a police pursuit up his street - but possibly the worst street to do it!- What does it take for the lads to feel festive?- Proof that good karma really does exist!- Orrin's old bathroom was ripped out after a massive water leak - the new bathroom almost went the same way!- Dad jokes are back - this time, one liners!- And more....
f: https://www.facebook.com/tradiopodcaste: tradiochat@gmail.com

Thursday Nov 17, 2022
TRADIO EP32 - Dude, Where’s My Car?
Thursday Nov 17, 2022
Thursday Nov 17, 2022
- Orrin confirms his new job & walking away from one set of tools, and going to another!- Andy confronts Orrin about how bad he is at texting back.- Covid has reared it's ugly head again.- The last week seems to have been the week for really sick kids in both the lads' families.- Beer yarns and why port isn't the best nightcap after a few....- Why have the lads set a challenge to re-write the TRadio jingle?- The recent lunar eclipse got the lads excited, but the recent one went a bit wrong...- Ever heard of a 'Binfluencer'? It's a real thing!- How devastating a house fire can be plus the importance of working smoke alarms & insurance!- Orrin made a discovery in the ceiling of his rental property that turned some heads....- Satan opens heck, a lighter version of hell - what kind of torture is there?- The Dad Joke Off- How Andy lost his car in the city.- Andy's anniversary is coming up - the lads share some prank gifts they got their wives in the past.- And more....
f: https://www.facebook.com/tradiopodcaste: tradiochat@gmail.com

Friday Nov 04, 2022
TRADIO EP31 - Microphone Says No
Friday Nov 04, 2022
Friday Nov 04, 2022
In this edition:- How to really stump the Trick-or-treaters & how the kids get so protective over their Halloween Haul.- Andy almost got caught out secretly applying for a job recently.- Is Orrin heading to Andy's home city of Christchcurch to take on a new job?- The spraypainted street dick is back! - Andy made a bloody good salad for lunch and had a nasty surprise when he almost finished eating it.- Why Whitetail spiders are just walking nightmares.- Andy shares how impressed he is with some local weather forecasters & why.- How Andy's toddler controls this podcast.- How your kids can get their own credit card.- Why a cellphone changed Andy's daughter's life for the better.- As promised, 20 CRASS Dad Jokes!- And more....
f: https://www.facebook.com/tradiopodcaste: tradiochat@gmail.com

Thursday Oct 20, 2022
TRADIO EP30 - Oh Boy
Thursday Oct 20, 2022
Thursday Oct 20, 2022
In this edition:- Orrin had a streak of bad luck after his trip to Christchurch to catchup with Andy.- Things you can put in the dishwasher, other than dishes.- How Andy was taking an exam on a work computer, but "computer says no" & an update on how Andy's new Emergency Services job is going.- Someone spray painted a dick on the road outside one of the boy's houses...probably not personal...- The lads yarn about Quantum Leap & some great movies, plus how much they'd love video stores to come back.- This leads Andy to share how taking out two $8 new release DVDs in the day cost him over $70!- The Dad Joke off returns & the boys make a promise about the Dad Joke Off in the next ep!- Andy's home town made the news for a big reason and Orrin brings it up...- Andy's wife bought a new car & got an amazing deal that proves most other car yards just want to screw you.- Diesel is now more expensive than petrol! Orrin not impressed...- Right place, right time - Andy may have scored a big voiceover gig.- Talking voiceover, Andy shares the story of how he became the 'bookme.co.nz chicken' and how his audition audio actually made the final cut....plus he shares how much he got paid for it.- And Orrin found out just how much shorter he is after breaking his back on his motorbike!
f: https://www.facebook.com/tradiopodcaste: tradiochat@gmail.com

Friday Oct 07, 2022
TRADIO EP29 - Mad Fer It!
Friday Oct 07, 2022
Friday Oct 07, 2022
In this edition:- Andy caught a cold at his new job.- Orrin's on his way to Christchurch for a long awaited catchup!- GUEST: Marty Roberts yarns to the lads about his new online DnB Radio Station, Voxlee.- The DnB chat brings out the lads' closet favourite music genres. - Andy yarns about his new Britpop Radio Show that debuts this week.- How a hot Summer's day got Andy on the front page of a newspaper.- The Dad Joke Off with another 10 bangers- PLUS MORE!
f: https://www.facebook.com/tradiopodcaste: tradiochat@gmail.com

Friday Sep 23, 2022
TRADIO EP28 - Happy Birthday TRADIO!
Friday Sep 23, 2022
Friday Sep 23, 2022
In this edition:- It's our first birthday!- Orrin gives an update on his broken back.- A plane crashed by Orrin's house!- Andy went hunting with the kids, but not as you know it....- Andy has a new career path, plus a new radio show focusing on his favourite music genre - Britpop!- The boys yarn about the royal funeral, but certainly aren't royalists...- Andy's shares his greatest dislike when snowboarding.- Andy's kids have started sneaking into nearby open homes for a hilarious reason.- The Dad Joke Off with another 10 bangers- PLUS MORE!
f: https://www.facebook.com/tradiopodcaste: tradiochat@gmail.com

Friday Sep 09, 2022
TRADIO EP27 - Back Breaking Stuff
Friday Sep 09, 2022
Friday Sep 09, 2022
In this edition:- Orrin has broken his back in multiple places....from his hospital bed, he explains to Andy what happened.
f: https://www.facebook.com/tradiopodcaste: tradiochat@gmail.com

Friday Aug 26, 2022
TRADIO EP26 - Unusual Discoveries
Friday Aug 26, 2022
Friday Aug 26, 2022
In this edition:- Orrin has been caught being a naughty boy twice in a month.- Andy had a visit from the cutest door-to-door salesperson ever.- When you use a pen to scratch yourself....make sure it's off!- How a carrot beat a cellphone when offered to a kid.- Andy's wife trusted him to cut her hair....how did that go?- Supermarket checkout etiquette - is there such a thing?- A discussion about a recent big fire in Christchurch reminds Andy about an unsightly discovery at another fire.- Orrin shares the method his family has been using to reminisce over the past.- Andy was playing a song on guitar and when he turned on the radio, the same song was playing!- The Dad Joke Off.- Announcing the winner of a QRecordsandCollectables.com voucher.- PLUS MORE!
f: https://www.facebook.com/tradiopodcaste: tradiochat@gmail.com

Friday Aug 12, 2022
TRADIO EP25 - First World Problems
Friday Aug 12, 2022
Friday Aug 12, 2022
In this edition:- Andy might be going thru a midlife crisis after he bought a new toy.- Orrin found a surprise in a bag of rags at work.- Andy has JUST realised he never lived in the same time as John Lennon, when he's always thought the opposite.- When secondhand clothes shopping goes wrong.- How do we normalise with the kids the fact that wearing helmets IS cool?- When you wake up at night and you still have hours to sleep...- Orrin's new job is going too well.- Dad joke off with another 10 bangers.- Both the lads having first world problems.- PLUS MORE!
f: https://www.facebook.com/tradiopodcaste: tradiochat@gmail.com

Friday Jul 29, 2022
TRADIO EP24 - F’ing Carnage
Friday Jul 29, 2022
Friday Jul 29, 2022
In this edition:- The unfortunate string of bad luck that forced the guys to cancel their recent joint family holiday.- The new Lego set that the kids shouldn't have.- Why did Andy make front page news in the local newspaper?- Andy's toddler now accepts financial bribes to change nappies.- The lads get all mushy and heartfelt about how important it is to give your kids as much time as possible.- An extended Dad Joke off with some of the funniest we've done.- Some statistics about TRadio as we approach one year!- PLUS MORE!
f: https://www.facebook.com/tradiopodcaste: tradiochat@gmail.com

Friday Jul 15, 2022
TRADIO EP23 - Flying Solo
Friday Jul 15, 2022
Friday Jul 15, 2022
In this much shorter episode:
- Andy is flying solo, so where's Orrin?
- Another chance to win with TRadio and Q Records and Collectables.
f: facebook.com/tradiopodcast
e: tradiochat@gmail.com

Friday Jul 01, 2022
TRADIO EP22 - Another Day, Another Dirtbike Crash
Friday Jul 01, 2022
Friday Jul 01, 2022
In this edition: **GIVEAWAY ALERT**- Orrin literally had a bit of a spill on a recent of-road motocross weekend.- Andy had a hearing test recently and aced it, but people close to the lads reckon they're both hard of hearing....- If the internet existed in 1922 (100 years ago) what questions would be posted online?- Andy has another new radio gig.- The boys rack up their 220th Dad Joke.- Andy was a bit too hard on his club during a recent golf game.- Find out how Andy is getting predictable, according to his wife.- The lads announce the two winners of the beer coolers thanks to huski.co.nz. Is it you?- AND the boys catch up with Andy's good mate and former radio guy, Quentin from Q Records and Collectables and yarn about how the business came about, plus win a gift voucher to spend!
f: https://www.facebook.com/tradiopodcaste: tradiochat@gmail.com

Thursday Jun 16, 2022
TRADIO EP21 - Our 21st All Over Again!
Thursday Jun 16, 2022
Thursday Jun 16, 2022
In this edition:- The boys chat about the career firefighter strike & what it means.- Andy feels he has reached 'peak adult' thanks to a Briscoes sale.- The definition of a rural Canterbury traffic jam and how Andy ended up becoming an honourary shepherd.- Orrin hits some nasty Kiwi weather in his ute but seems like the only one who cares about road safety.- Companies who brand your car against your will.- Why did Andy almost have to go to his own fire station to get his wedding ring cut off?- Andy has a new podcast coming, but is not cheating on TRadio!- Checking in with how Orrin is getting on with Andy's challenge of learning Space Oddity by David Bowie.- The Dad Joke Off is back and you can't argue...they're bangers.- What OLD TV series are the lads binge watching?- Plus last couple weeks to win a beer cooler thanks to huski.co.nz! See our pinned post on our FB page:
f: https://www.facebook.com/tradiopodcaste: tradiochat@gmail.com